Friday, September 29, 2006


A very popular term nowadays! It has struck a chord somewhere in young India but the wrong one. The chord is that of a style or trend rather than the chord of values. It has become fashionable to use the term Gandhigiri but the real essence behind that is mostly ignored. Even I like the term but understanding the true meaning behind it is a real difficult task.
We all know the terms Non-Violence, Satyagraha and most of us claim to understand it. But let a real situation come and we'll start compromising with the situation rather than fighting with the situation.
Let me give my own example, 2 years back I applied for passport. One of the stage in that process is address verification by police. They just do not do it if you do not bribe them. And I would have faced problems if the process got delayed. I must admit that it did not even take a minute for me to give in to the situation and I paid him the money to get the verification done.

Its really easy to talk and give lecture about all this but in real situations we do not find it so practical as there are other things which assume importance. We know we did wrong but we can not help it. As Gandhiji rightly said , its not easy to do Satyagraha , one has to be really really strong and firm to do it. As an individual I am not that strong yet. I have the tendency to give in to situations even though I know that its wrong.
Still a long way to go....
I dream of getting that strength in me, I am working hard for it. Not due to the trend factor though, but because of my own liking for these simple yet rock strong principles. Let the Gandhian thoughts be translated to action. At least lets give it a try.


Rahul Gupta said...

yes....u r rebel

mukul gupta said...

"gandhigiri"-- everybody laughed,went out, talked about it
and then thrown the popcorn packet in the trash just like we are throwing away gandhian principles. i agree with very few gandhian principles like path of truth but in my belief it is very
impractical to be on the path of satyagraha and these things look good in the movie. it is true that gandhi ignited the urge for a free nation in everybody but society can never be built on his principles.sociey can never be built based on suffering!!. we need to fight for our rights in a very clever way.

we have a long way to go............

Venkat C said...

U r lying. Truth is one of the basic principles of Gandian way of life.

I know that you did not decide to bribe for passport immediately. You thought and suffered a lot of inner dichotomy before you gave. Thats one step ahead compared to people who just dont think twice before giving bribe.

Venkat C said...

I was thinking whether Gandhigiri can be applied in global terms today.

Can Osama be tackled the Gandhian way? Can the people who bombed Mumbai be tacled in Gandian way? Can US go the Gandhian way with Iraq/Iran and North Korea? Can India go the Gandhian way with Pakistan?

Shall we all together send a million "get well soon" cards to Pakistan?

Venkat C said...

Just wanted to say that u have been tagged...check my blog

Neeti Gupta said...

Its not impractical always to follow this path. I was thinking on the same lines and had the opinion that to do this the opposition has to be civilised and democratic. These principles would have been useless if applied for Hitler and Osama. They do not endorse suffering rather they push an individual to stop being a passive viewer and to fight for it in a peaceful way. The smart combination would be to use them as well as our cleverness. Found an article related to same .

Everybody is trying to make a difference, you are not alone